Get Behind the Leading Citizens & Groups Supporting Stacy Cummings.
Each and every endorsement Stacy Cummings receives from our elected leaders, leading citizens and organizations is a vote of confidence in his ability to lead and his message of unity.
Take a few moments to look at who is getting behind Stacy Cummings and you might be surprised at his wide base of support in this campaign!
And don't forget, you can join the Stacy Cummings team by making a secure, online contribution.
We Endorse Stacy Cummings!
Currently Serving Elected Officials
Congresswoman Jen Kiggans
Governor Glenn Youngkin
Lt. Governor Winsome Sears
Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares
Virginia Senator Bill DeSteph
Virginia Senator Christie New Craig
Virginia Senator Bryce Reeves
Virginia Beach Commonwealth Attorney Colin Stolle
Virginia Beach School Board Member Vicky Manning
Neighboring City Elected Officials
Chesapeake Mayor Rick West
Norfolk Mayor Kenny Alexander
Suffolk Mayor Mike Duman
Norfolk Sheriff Joe Baron
Former Elected Officials
Fmr. Congressman Scott Rigell
Fmr. Congresswoman Thelma Drake
Fmr. Virginia Senator John Cosgrove
Fmr. Virginia Governor George Allen
Fmr. Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell
Fmr. Councilman & Delegate Glenn Davis
Fmr. Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms
Fmr. Virginia Beach Vice-Mayor Jim Wood
Republican Party of Virginia Beach
Police Benevolant Association
Thin Blue Line VA